Almost every artist during the course of their career will want to develop their sound, often doing so gradually as they discover new ideas and find out what styles they do well. There are those artists though who, rather than making the gradual change, decide to take a big leap and totally change their sound in one step. It can often be a decision which polarises fans, and for some artists this is a headache that can lead to a regression, or as as it's often put 'going back to their roots'. Bob Dylan might have been the first to cause an existential crisis amongst his fans when when he plugged in his fender strat. In the context of the mid-60s it was a much grander change that it appears in hindsight, and there are more modern examples of bigger stylistic changes that have created uproar from fans. Up until recently, Christopher Dallman had been a minimalist indie-folk singer songwriter, producing the kind of simple but intricate guitar-and-vocals music which can be quite...